This week the photo I took was one when I had that very rare thing ‘me time’! The smallest was napping , the boy had gone out with daddy to exchange some of our blu-rays for some Wii games (he’s just got into playing the wii) and so after I had spent some time running around like a crazy women doing a few household chores I decided to get out the sewing machine and make a start on some new bunting for the play room. I’ve had this fabric for ages waiting to make something from it and I love the idea of making bunting (one of my favourite things in the world!) The fabric is form Ikea and I veleive from what I have read that it was designed by Cath Kidston but not sold under her name. I don’t know if thats true though but I just love it!

My sunday photo





Thankfully spring is here, I love all the seasons for very different reasons and this week we’ve had some fabulous weather but today in the North West was a bit of a washout! A welly day for sure! So my Sunday photo is a shot of my new ankle wellies in the rain!




Things I’ve learnt this month.

1)I defiantly don’t take enough photos of the boys together, or more likely the ones I do take are all blurry and difficult to capture. I know that you are both so young but maybe I need to keep the DSLR handy insisted of just my phone, so that I can take loads of shots.
2) I need to take more photos!

So my offerings for siblings this month isn’t massive which makes me a little bit sad. You’re relationship is growing in ways I’d never have dreamed and I love it, I really do.

We still go to breastfeeding group every week where I am a peer support volunteer and now that I’ve swapped my work days I have to take both of you. This is sometimes hard work as you can both be quite demanding at times but in recent weeks it’s been lovely to watch you play together with the toys. I’ve watched you crawl around in the tents and play together with the toy kitchen which has given me some time to take to all the new lovely mummies.


The boy you still love hugging and kissing Flixster but I know he’s not as keen. You do tend to ‘over hug’ though if there is such a thing. Flixster will tolerate a quick hug but your’s are rather long and squeezy! So by the time I’ve grabbed my camera the moment is over.


Boy you’ve really go the knack of making Flixster laugh now though, it’s so adorable. You find something that makes him laugh and you do it over and over and over again and that buys me a little time sometimes to make lunch or pack the bag for the day, so thank you for that!

My favourite photograph of you together this month though is one I quickly snapped in a shoe shop. We went to buy Flixsters first shoes (another milestone in your little life) as we were leaving Flixster was looking in the mirror as he walked towards it all excited and fell down. Within seconds the boy was there hugging him and checking he was ok. I love the photo not because it’s focussed well or its a canvas worthy capture but because its shows the growing love betters you both. A love I can’t wait to watch grow and grow.


dear beautiful

Once again the days are slipping away in front of my very eyes. The boys are growing together and another month has passed.


I’m still finding myself say ‘gently’ to the boy every few minutes when they are together, he can still be quite rough with Flixster. I try to snap them together as much as I can. I can’t believe how much they look like each other in the next picture. It must be the angle but Flixster looks almost the same size as the boy.




Last week when the weather was good we went to the local park. The boy had so much fun pushing Flixster on the swings. Flixster was loving it too. It gave me a glimpse of how they will play together in the future, it was lovely to watch.



Flixster is also getting to know what is expected when the camera comes out too now and is beginning to smile on cue which makes for a great shot.

The last two picture for siblings this month are, I think my favourites of the boys that I’ve ever taken. I think the last one in particular shows the love that’s growing in the boys eyes for his little brother. I don’t think it needs any more words.





dear beautiful