My Sunday Photo – May 21st 2017

This week I picked a photo of my youngest. We were all having a family day at a local attraction, an ice cream farm. We were playing mini golf and he sat down for a rest. He has such long hair because I love long hair on boys (plus he doesn’t like getting it cut!). The wind caught it at just the moment hubby went to take his picture. His face is funny fighting against the wind, with his hair flying everywhere. I love the boys so much.



My Sunday Photo

My picture this week, isn’t a beautiful shot. It isn’t something stunning. It’s not something you’d put on the wall. But it’s a picture I just want to savour. A napping 2 year old after a busy day. In just a few short years he will have grown. In just a few short years theres no way he’d do this anymore. Fast asleep. Totally zonked out. This was only yesterday. After a busy day travelling on steam trains he fell asleep on the way home. He woke briefly as he came into the house, only to fall back asleep again. I left him for a little while but it was almost bedtime.
Every parents dilemma, a nap near bedtime. I tried to wake him by putting on his pyjamas. He wasn’t for waking. I carried him upstairs and put him to bed. He still asleep now. Fingers tightly crossed he stays that way all night. A sleeping baby (well he’s a toddler I suppose) is just so innocent. I just want to kiss his face and feel his breath on my face. I love him so dearly.
I love the changing of the seasons, my favourite season is most defiantly summer. But each season has it’s own unique beauty and winter is undoubtedly the frost kissed grass and sunny mornings. In winter it’s easy to catch the sunrise as it’s so late. It’s not so easy always to take a minute to appreciate its sheer beauty. This weeks photo was capture on my iPhone from a moving vehicle (I wasn’t the driver!) I was so impressed at how well it came out. I really love how cold it feels.
my sunday photo
my sunday photo

My Sunday Photo – Climbing Higher

This week I’ve looked through the photographs I’ve taken and it took a while to chose. It’s been half term here and it hasn’t exactly gone to plan. My youngest son (2) has been ill all week. So all the things I had planned for myself and the eldest (5) to do together as a treat while youngest was at nursery had to either be cancelled or replanned. Thanks to family and hubby we have managed to juggle childcare. Although I did have to take carers leave form work on Wednesday (which I felt so bad about since it was my only day in this week)
On Friday we booked to go to the local leisure centre and have a go at climbing. The leisure centre has recently been refurbished. It has new added feature such as the climbing walls, a BMX park and a soft play area. This is the first time we’ve been climbing here and the boys first time ever trying climbing. The session runs for an hour and you just pick and chose which walls to try, the instructor clips you on and away you go. When you’ve finished the wall you just let go and walk back down whilst the automatic harness does the trick of taking your weight. I absolutely loved it! Although my arms are aching really badly today, with muscle I never even knew I had!
As well as the walls there is a set of poles that reach 5m in height to climb up and jump off. I love that childrens fear gauges are on a different level to ours. The boy had no trouble in doing this several times! I go to 2m and couldn’t go any further (I am 1.85m tall so honestly that seems wimpish!) Looking back now though I want to go back and try again. I won’t let a set of poles beat me!
This week I’ve chosen a photograph that means a lot to us. During the past year its been tough but we’ve always focused on what we do have and not what we don’t and been grateful. With a massive house move, one we hoped and dreamed of for so long hanging on a knife edge then eventually happening (thank you universe) followed by a longer than expected period of redundancy its fair to say we’ve been though some quite stressful events. Before we moved one of our aims was to have a place in our new home to have a special Saturday breakfast together. The rest of the week we spend rushing around not eating as a family at breakfast because of work and other commitments. Yesterday we shared pastries (I know they are not very slimming world friendly but it was a treat!) and drank lovely coffee and had a simple family breakfast. It was bliss and I’m very grateful for the memory.

On Friday during the day hubby and I decided the weather was lovely so why not make it the day to make our annual trip to Blackpool lights. We live about an hour away. Each year since th boy was born we’ve been to see them. We usually only go the the Bispham end of Blackpool where they have some tableau style displays that you can walk along. We always get fish and chips to eat before the walk and the boys love it. Pretty much year on year they are the same with a few little differences but still we love it. Its a family tradition!img_0411


Airkix skydiving

I haven’t joined in with my Sunday photo for a while now so thought I’d jump back on board this week with a photo taken yesterday. This is my 5 year old son at Airkix indoor skydiving. He’s been asking to do this since he was 3 years old! The minimum age is 4 years old but I still didn’t think he was ready so for his 5th birthday we bought him a voucher. We used the voucher yesterday and this was the result. He was excited yet nervous to go in but I’m so proud that he did it and loved it! Could this be the start of a new hobby!?





This week I have chosen a photo which makes my heart sing. I love sunny days and this is the first properly warm day we’ve had this year, warm enough to have water toys out.

Aquaplay is something that the boy got for his 2nd birthday, it’s something that I remember from my mums classroom when she was a primary school teacher (she’s retired now). It’s a a bit like half a drain pipe in pieces that you clip together with waterproof seal. He loves it and so does his now 2 year old brother. I can see many happy days and years playing with it, watching the boats float around, using the pumps and gates to raise and lower the boats round the locks.

Bring on the sunny days of summer!



This week I’ve chosen a photograph for our trip yesterday to Delamere Forest and the stick man trail. The boy has just learnt that if you rub two sticks together fast they can make fire. (I know it’s more complicated than that!) So yesterday he spent a large part of the trail trying to start his own fire. I’m not sure what he thought he was going to do with it should he have started one! Everyone knows that fire in forests is dangerous on dry days!

We had a fabulous day, walking the trail and then going on a bike ride around the forest as a family. I love family days out.




This week I’ve chosen a picture that represents my lovely husband. He and I are coffee lovers, him so much more than me. When we moved in together I ‘thought’ I liked coffee but I was drinking instant everyday, 10 years later I’m not actually sure we have an instant in the house! He doesn’t drink or smoke so his guilty pleasure is coffee. He is lusting after a particular bean to cup machine where he can be his very own barista but as he is currently between jobs we are holding out for now. On that note if anyone is looking for a Solutions Architect (thats an IT thing!) let me know please! So in the meantime he is running his own experiments with coffee, this week was a cold brew filter coffee, which once brewed could be heated. I have to say I did try some and it did have a different taste to when you use hot water. I don’t really understand the intricacies of coffee and the art that is brewing it, it’s all about how well roasted the beans are and when they were roasted etc but I know my hubby is very interested in learning about it and I love him for his passion! It’s our 8 year wedding anniversary this week, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by, but two children and a new house later I am a little older and a little happier each day and am very grateful for everything we have in life.


