I’m quite late publishing this post! I won’t make excuses, I’ve just been busy. What with work and other things that I’ve been doing and being struck down with the awful vomit bug (grim) the blog has been left a little to its own devices.

But better late than never I want to make sure the boys relationship as it grows is documented so they can look back on it.

So here we are in April 2015 already. Flixster is turning 1 and the boy is heading towards 4. It hardly seems two minutes since he was born but already a year has by! It’s hard to remember a time without two of them in our lives though.IMG_3532



On sunny days we like to visit the fab playground at the local sure start centre. They keep it really clean and tidy and its a safe place for them both to play together. I can’t wait until Flixster is chasing the boy up the stairs and down the slide.


The boy still dotes on Flixster, seeing his little face each morning light up when his big brother enters the room is just beautiful, I hope that never changes!


They already want the toys that each other currently has, no matter what it is! I have started being a referee between them but I wouldn’t have it any other way. Fingers crossed they stay as close as they are now!


dear beautiful

February is almost at a close (how did it happen so quickly?) and I seem to have run out of time to get a whole family shot. So that’s my first learning point. So this months ‘Me and Mine’ is going to be made of lots of photos of us as a family.

This month there has been lots going on for such a short month. I’ve never been keen on February. I guess maybe as its seems as far away from Christmas as you can get. January doesn’t count because it still seems part of it and it’s still fresh in our minds.

This month Flixster went to his first birthday party. A little boy that we know from breastfeeding group was turning one and invited a few of us along to a baby sensory circus themed party. It was lots of fun!


The boys have been growing together and are playing with each other more and more, which is lovely to see.


Flixster and I had a private consultation with a sling specialist to learn how to use the wrap for back carries. It was money very well spent as I now know how to safely put him up on my back.


We spent a lovely sunny Sunday in Lytham with my mum and dad which I wrote about in a previous post.


And I captured this shot of myself with the boys, we weren’t dressed up but we were having lovely cuddles.

{February 2015)


Mummy is currently enjoying:
Watching the new series of ‘House of Cards’
The view from the kitchen window now the front garden is complete
Looking forward to our Center Parcs trip

Daddy is currently enjoying:
Reading ‘Gone Girl’
Trying different teas from around the world
Playing ‘Halo – Master Chief Collection’ on Xbox

The boy is currently enjoying:
Watching ‘Twirlywoos’ on Cbeebies
Reading Biff, Chip and Kipper Books
Playing jigsaws – he did a 35 piece one all by himself


Flixster is currently enjoying:
Trying lots more foods
His first swimming lesson
Still trying to crawl – almost there!



dear beautiful