This week I’ve chosen a photograph for our trip yesterday to Delamere Forest and the stick man trail. The boy has just learnt that if you rub two sticks together fast they can make fire. (I know it’s more complicated than that!) So yesterday he spent a large part of the trail trying to start his own fire. I’m not sure what he thought he was going to do with it should he have started one! Everyone knows that fire in forests is dangerous on dry days!

We had a fabulous day, walking the trail and then going on a bike ride around the forest as a family. I love family days out.




12 thoughts on “Stickman Trail – My Sunday Photo

  1. What a cute photo. Sadly, if my experience of a 14yo son is anything to go by, boys never lose the obsession with fire, they just get more obsessed!

  2. This sounds like such a fun day out, great photo.

    Thank you for linking up

  3. It sounds like you had a fun day…
    Lovely photo x

  4. A great day out, what fun and a super trail.

  5. My sons would love the Stick Man Trail… okay, and trying to start a fire too! Looks like a great day out. 🙂

  6. Someone who we also love to meet and see! #mysundayphoto

  7. Mine would both love this.
    They adored the gruffalo trail

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