I’ve posted a Sunday photo for a while and as it’s the first Sunday of the new year I thought I’d start as I mean to go on…lets hope I remember each week!

For week one of the year I couldn’t choose just one without putting a little context behind it.

My middle baby is like my shadow, he wants to be where I am, do what I’m doing and help me all the time. Sometimes I want to just get the job done quickly so struggle to let him help. But I need to stop myself from saying no and just say yes more often. He won’t be little that long and despite it slowing me down I need to let him be with me and help when he wants to.

This was my Christmas window this year (I had to reverse the image to make it readable):

So here he is and my Sunday photo helping me clean the Christmas windows away. I love this guy.


I know that Darren is no longer hosting the link up but I’d like to continue posting my weekly photo so I have something to look back on.

Last weekend we met some good friends for a day out. Whilst we were there we came across a huge horse chestnut tree also known as a conker tree. My boys have never played conkers before. So we set about collecting pockets full. I love seeing how shiny and smooth the conkers were fresh for their shells. The boys were so excited everytime they found one even though there were hundreds laying on the ground.

Boys stoops down to collect conkers


Where did the last 6 months go? Blink and you missed it. I can not believe that this little guy is 6 months already. Let the adventures in baby led weaning begin! Spaghetti and meatballs certainly went down well! I love baby led weaning for the ease of just having what you are having. I’m not super keen on the mess but it’s only short term and at least with this glorious weather we can eat outside!



Last Sunday, despite it being cold we went out to a local country woodland park for a walk. This particular place has had a lot of investment over the last few years. It’s now a marvellous place to go. It’s called Haigh Hall Woodland Park. If you are local to Wigan area I highly recommend a visit.

Theres a HUGE children playground. Several cafes and eating places can be found in the courtyard. Theres also a fabulous mini golf and a high ropes experience amongst other attractions. I even noticed a train running.

Anyway we went out for a walk and managed to capture (not on purpose) some lovely shots of the boys together. This one however made me laugh. It sums them up perfectly.

The eldest, sweet clever little guy (never stops talking!). The middle one who is super cheeky and very funny but still such a loving little monster (he also never looks at the camera!). The youngest absent as he was sleeping for a short nap in his pram. You couldn’t put it on a canvas but I love it all the same!



My middle baby always tells me how much he loves me. While I was cutting the front lawn on Saturday he picked some flowers for me and put them in the car door. I had to take a picture to keep the memory. He’s such a sweet little guy (when he’s not fighting with his brother!).


We are no strangers to cooking outside in our house. My husband is out in all weather with the BBQ or pizza oven. Friday round our way was such a lovely day, sunny and beginning to feel warmer. So with the warmth of the air we decided to make it the first pizza oven night of the year. We bought this pizza oven by Uuni a couple of years ago and it’s had a lot of use since then. It’s unbelievable quick to cook, just 60-90 seconds per pizza so you have to be prepared to get them in and out no hanging about. It has a stone base and is fired by wood pellets. One Friday we prepped 5 smallish pizzas to share between the 4 of us with various toppings. Once again it didn’t disappoint! Yummy yummy!


I haven’t taken part in Sunday Photo for a while, in fact I haven’t put a post out for a while either. Life has just got in the way. I have a baby on me 24 hours a day. He eats on me. Naps on me. Sleeps on me. You get the picture. It’s hard to type when I don’t have free hands! So yesterday I got the chance to take my eldest to a birthday party. He doesn’t get invited to a lot of parties as he hasn’t got a particular friendship group. He just mixes well with everyone. The party was at the local climbing walls and he loved it! I was so proud of how hard he tried and how much fun he had in doing so!

my sunday photo


This week I’ve written a post about breastfeeding number 3 and how different it is.

Well here’s part of the reason….this chin! It’s super cute to look at all puckered in (no he’s not sucking it in, it rests like this!)

But it’s causing his latch to be pretty horrible. I will preserve on though. We’ve made it to 7 weeks exclusive feeding and I’m not stopping now!


This week I’ve chosen a photo that makes my heart happy.

At 5 and a half weeks old we’re getting smiles. What’s more I actually managed to capture the end of one on camera, with his oldest brother just in the background.

His brothers love him very much and are always wanting to kiss and hug him, no matter what he’s doing. Which is lovely, but when I’m trying to feed him it can get a bit difficult. His latch isn’t the greatest any way and so having them all over him can sometimes really hurt me!
