Ever since I can remember I’ve loved making things clean, tidy and organised. As a little girl although my bedroom probably wasn’t that tidy I loved the idea of organising it. I likes to move furniture around, rearrange. Since I moved out 14 years ago I’ve loved making my own home tidy. As I sit here now typing this I can see from the corner of my eye that there’s a packet of baby wipes on the floor and not in the drawer, it’s bothering me!

I hate things being out of place. I get cross when people don’t put things back properly or leave things dirty. I was over the moon when one of my surprises at Christmas was a wifi controlled robot vacuum cleaner! (Which at some point I need to write a review for…spoiler I love it!)

Thats why I’m so thankful for the current craze of cleaning and organising. It’s made me realise that I clean things not for anyone else. I clean things to make myself feel better. I struggle to relax and always think that if I’m sat down not doing much I should instead be cleaning or tidying.

I read the Maire Kondo book back in 2014 way before it was main stream and a Netflix series. I even wrote a blog post about it. At the time there were no guides for how to fold but I read the book and followed the instructions.

My drawers have stayed the same since 2014. You couldn’t get the book in bookstores back then or in a supermarket it was not mainstream. I used to mention the book to friends but no-one had heard of it. Now everyone knows who Kon-Marie is! Now theres a whole series on Netflix starring her.

Theres also been a rise in social media ‘cleaners’. Theres a few books out. I’ve not read them but I’m sure they are great. I love that I can pop on instagram and have wonderful pictures of tidy houses and cleaning products straight away according to who I follow.

So it’s now socially ok to love clean and tidy. It’s ok for me to list it as a hobby. I realise its totally normal to love this stuff and I’m thankful for the current craze!

So my boy survived his first night at beaver camp, and he’s home!

Thomas is only 7. He waited a long time on the waiting list to join our local beaver pack. Are beavers called a pack? So he’s been going every week now for a few months. This last weekend was his first camp. It was only for one night. I was nervous. He was excited.

I followed the advised packing list and tried to stay practical. There wasn’t much on it, the basics. A torch, sleeping bag, mat. Some utensils, clothes, wash items etc. I added a couple of extra bits myself which were: a half pack of baby wipes, some snacks (he gets hangry!) and a migraine kit for him. I’ve written before about his migraines. If you want to read about it the post is here. and as he’d had one just last weekend I thought it was wise to be prepared. I was hoping of course he wouldn’t get one but I just wanted him to be able to ask for help and deal with it early. It seems the earlier we get him some medicines the better he copes with it.

His camping night was Saturday to Sunday but we went up on the Thursday to help set up all the tents and let them get used to the surroundings. I did my parent bit and helped out.

It did make me want to go camping as a family though. I just need to save up for a tent! The one we really like is this one but its really expensive so requires lots of saving first!

When Saturday came I was nervous again for him, worried that my baby would be cold or lonely in the night and there’d be no one there for him. Obviously the beaver leaders were there but its not his mum. But I knew I had to let him go. Let him do his thing and go have fun.

Kit was packed, drop off looming, one last photo outside our house to remember the moment……..

….and off we go!

I got his bed set up and said goodbye, so thankful it was a sunny weekend!

Thank goodness for facebook. The leaders were able to update their page with photos throughout the day. I could see he was having fun.

When evening came , back at home we sat outside for dinner. I was sweltering. With my paranoid mum head kicking in I text the beaver leader to ask him to tell thomas that if it was hot to sleep on top of his sleeping bag. Since all I’d packed him were fleecy pj’s, fluffy socks, a thick sleeping bag and a blanket. As it turned out it did cool down. Why do I always forget that in the UK as soo as the sun goes down it pretty much cools down quickly. I always think it’s like Florida where it stays hot all night!

Felix wanted his own campfire at home, so we set one up and sat outside in the evening sunlight which was lovely.

And so after a sleepless night worrying about if he was ok, it was time to pick him up.

He was tired…..very very tired….filthy.. but happy. He’d had a ball! He was still in pj’s so I helped to pack his stuff up and tidy up the camp. We took him home and pretty much threw him straight into the shower! He even admitted himself that the shower felt good and he felt so much better after it. I’m not surprised the amount of dirt that came off him!

So thank you to all those that made the weekend camp possible. They all seemed to have an absolute ball! Roll on next years camp!

Well my middle baby turned 5 at Easter time. I can’t believe 5 years has passed since I gave birth at home to my middle baby. If you want to read the birth story it can be found here.

Felix’s birthday was going to be the first day of our mini break to Yorkshire so we decided to go to Eureka on the way over to our holiday home for the week. We’ve ever been before but we’ll definitely be going back!

I made a short vlog about our day at Eureka national children’s museum and to remember his birthday.

A couple of weeks ago I decided to vlog on my day off. I never linked it through on to the blog so thought I’d pop up a quick post with the link so that I know where it is for future and when the boys read through the blog.

It’s nothing particular exciting but to me its daily life which I want the boys to be able to see when they are grown up. My vlogs were never designed to be as good as many of the fantastic bloggers that I watch but I just want to document our days.

We are lucky enough to live within an hours drive of lots of beaches. My favourite beach currently is at St Annes. Any visit to the beach isn’t complete without beach day essentials.

We go to St Annes quite a lot when the weather is hot enough to stay on the beach all day. I love St Annes because the beach is always clean, there’s lots of room and shops within walking distance.

I’ve got packing for the beach down to a tee now although theres always room for improvement so please do let me know if theres something I’ve missed.


Beach Essential List

  1. Sun Shelter

We have had a few beach shelters in our time. The one we found to be most useful is a pop up one as it offers the most protection from the sun as well as being ready in seconds. My only word of warning though is practice putting it down before you use it on the beach for the first time! Once you know how to put it down its really easy to do in future. You don’t want to look like a complete fool on the beach though when you come to pack up! This one is a fab pop up version as it has mesh panels which are great if its windy!


2.Wind shelter

When you think of a beach wind break, you think big stripes and poles. Thats exactly what I’m talking about. I made the mistake first of buying one that you would use at camping and on the beach its no good as the poles you drive into the ground aren’t sturdy enough for sand. You need to get one with big wooden poles. This one is so cheery and I love it!

3.Dry Bag

Use this once your set up to store your valuables in so you know where they are when it’s time to leave. Things such as house keys, car keys, wallet, purse etc. The last thing you want to do is get to the end of a wonderful day to find that you’ve lost your car keys in the sand somewhere when they fell out of your pocket! As the description says the bag will keep things dry (and most importantly safe!)


4. Picnic Basket

Apart from the obvious a picnic basket is great for storing all your food in to keep it cool of rite day. IF you get a silver lined one like below the frozen ice packs will keep your food and drink nice and cool all day long. Be sure to store it in the shade of the sun shelter though.

beach day essentials

5. Chairs

Rather than lugging big fold out chairs with us to the beach we prefer these anywhere chairs as they literally fold up when your done and are so easy and light to carry. The weight of your bottom makes a great support for the back part and as a breastfeeding mum you defiantly need that when feeding on a beach. No one wants to come home with a sore back after a day in the sun!


6. Towel

I always take one or two travel towels with us. They are super lightweight but absorb a lot of liquids. Great for drying of wet children (if they venture into the sea) or mopping up spills if there are any in the sun shelter.

7. Bucket and Spades

It’ kind of obvious but I forget nearly everytime and end up having to buy more! Theres so many great sets you can pick up for making sand castles etc. Our boys use the buckets and spades in all sorts of different games using their imagination.

8. Picnic Blankets

Now I’ve purposely written picnic blankets as a plural because we always need more than one. We use one to line the bottom of the sunshade tent to sit on then one out a little bit onto the sand for picnics etc. They are not expensive but save wet bottoms for those not wanting to sit on any wet sand! Again they fold up small and are lightweight.

9. Travel Potty

Ive had this one for years, its fab! You can use swing bin liner bags so nothing to tip away. I line it with cheap sanitary pads (the really cheap value ones)

Potette travel potty 

There are other things we take too like spare clothes just in case I need to change the boys. Of course all the things that you need with a baby nappies etc. As long as I’ve got the above items though I feel like we are set up for a fab day on the beach. Is there anything else you like to take? I’d love to know so please drop me a line in the comments below!

I’ve dropped the link below for the short video I made of our day out!

Items on this list are affiliate links which means if you click through to buy an item I will get a couple of pence at NO EXTRA cost to you at all.

Today was the first time I’ve looked at my blog in a long time. I miss it.

I was asking myself how it got to such a long time gap.

The answer is easy. Life got in the way. Life has been tricky lately. I don’t want to say hard because that’s not the right word.

I’m grateful to have a privileged life compared to so many people.There’s a warm roof over my head, warm clothes, a warm bed. I have food on the table and for all those things I am grateful. It’s just been tough. I feel like I’m spinning plates and instead of keeping them spinning, when I’m not looking they are crashing and falling. Then when I replace them a different one falls.

With three children and both working full time it only takes one thing to drop and thats it, life is tricky.

In the last few weeks there have been hospital stays for Roo, illnesses, migraines, a broken wrist to name a few. I feel so guilty when I can’t go to work. It’s been made worse because I’m in a new job and I’m beginning to think they will assume I’m lazy and can’t cope with everything. Why is mum guilt so bad?

I’m trying really hard to sort everyone out and get them all to the right place at the right time so we can go to work. My husband is fantastic and helps lots but I still feel like its all my responsibility. I know if he reads this he’ll say its not at all but it’s just the way I feel. Sometimes I wonder if life would be easier if I gave up my job. But I love my job, I really love it and don’t want to leave. I’ve worked hard all my life to get where I am at work. I feel like I’d be failing if I just walked away.

I would just like life to give us a little break for a while. I’d like normal back. A nice normal life where I can drop the babies off to school and nursery and go to work and do a great job. So please life if you’re listening give me a little bit of normal.

Thank you!

Dear Thomas,

This is a letter for you. I don’t want to muddle you all up in my head. I want a separate letter to each of you. so my darling Thomas this is for you.

I don’t know how hard it is for you to be the eldest of 3. I was the eldest of two and as a girl that makes me different to you. I know that you are very clever and the things you come out with everyday astound me. I know you have a large capacity for remembering things, because you so easily recall events that my mind has lost. Sometimes I probably expect too much of you and for that I am sorry. I try everyday to remember that you are just 7. A very grown up 7 but 7 none the less.

When I ask you to help (when you are actually are listening!) then you do. I know you are eager to please me and I appreciate it very much. I know too that you are sensitive and caring, and can sense when the atmosphere isn’t quite right. I love you so very much my first born gorgeous boy. I promise I’ll try and spend some time just me and you in the months to come so that you get chance to properly have conversations and express yourself. I know at home life can sometimes be very busy with lots of attention on little Roo. It won’t always be like that though. He will grow too and turn into a mini you.

You are doing well at school and seem to be enjoying learning to play the cornet.

I’ve noticed sometimes you find it hard to maintain friendships as you tend to lead in things and don’t always listen to everyone else. You don’t have a great imagination and are happy to watch telly or play a game or read.

You very much love your brothers and sometimes it can be suffocation for them to have you kiss them, especially Too when he’s pushing you away. Maybe just a quick kiss is acceptable, you don’t have to hoover him up with love!

How did you grow up so quickly?

Sometimes you don’t always think before you do things and I hope that I can steer you away from that, as it comes across as selfish. I know that if you sat down and thought first about words or actions you wouldn’t have done it. It just makes me sad when you seem selfish, so it’s something we need to work on.

It broke my heart recently to hear you say that you don’t think people like you as you are odd. You’re not odd, the world needs people like you. We need people like you to teach us things, to be the clever ones. The caring ones. You’ll grow and learn that everyone is different and thats ok. Don’t ever think you don’t have any friends. You have me, I’m your vest friend and will always be here for you. As you find your way through life you can count on me if you need me.

Keep living, keep learning and keep loving.

Never forget I love you always and forever.

Love Mummy xxx

If like me you have a preschooler then you’ll probably know who the Twirlywoos are! Did you know you could see them live though?

picture of the twirlywoos all having a cuddle

MEI Theatrical are delighted to announce that the wonderful world of Twirlywoos – as seen on CBeebies – will be brought to life on stage for the first time in 2019. Toodloo, Great BigHoo, Chickedy, Chick and Peekaboo will set sail around the UK in a brand-new theatrical adventure.

The show comes to The Epstein Theatre on Wed 20 – Thu 21 Feb and St Helens Theatre Royal on Sat 27 – Sun 28 April.

Featuring all the favourite characters from the hit TV show, expect mischief, music and plenty of surprises as the Twirlywoos embark on a new adventure onboard their Big Red Boat. With beautifully inventive puppetry, Twirlywoos Live! promises to be a laugh-out-loud treat for little ones. 

Twirlywoos Live! is recommended for ages 1+, with babes in arms welcome. The running time is 55 minutes with no interval.

Why not make the Twirlywoos Live your little one first theatre experience!


The Epstein Theatre

Date: Wed 20 – Thu 21 Feb 2019

Time: Wed 1:30pm, Thu 11:30am/ 1:30pm

Tickets: Adult £14.50/ Child £12.50/ Family £50

To book tickets please call 0844 888 4411* or go online at www.epsteinliverpool.co.uk* or in person at The Epstein Theatre Box Office from 12pm – 6pm Monday – Saturday.

*Subject to booking fee. All prices include a £1 per ticket venue restoration levy


St Helens Theatre Royal

Date: Sat 27 – Sun 28 April 2019

Time: Sat 1pm/ 4pm, Sun 1pm

Tickets: Adult £18/ Concession £17/ Child £16

Book in person at the Theatre Royal Box Office, Corporation Street, St. Helens, Merseyside WA10 1LQ (Mon–Sat 10am–5pm). Alternatively, call 01744 756 000 or log on to: www.sthelenstheatreroyal.com.

Week 3 of the new year already, how is time once again evading me?

As we are getting a new kitchen soon (from Ikea) there have been a few trips there ad back, in fact this week we went twice! The first time we went with my mum and had some lunch there on my day off during the week. This cheeky face loved his pasta, with peas and a side of chips!

He’s also getting very funny. He is obsessed with glasses and always trying to steal Thomas’ from his face. We are trying to make him stop by giving him his own sunglasses to play with.

He doesn’t sleep in his own bed yet and still sleeps with me so in the evenings I tend to sit down while he falls asleep on me. Sometimes he stays awake longer because he’s not tired. On Tuesday evening this week he was awake for ages while I was watching some Walt Disney World vlogs on youtube. Every time he saw a character on the screen he would smile, wave and get excited. It was such an adorable moment to see. Capturing his innocence and excitement at seeing Mickey mouse again.

By Friday though he was sickening for something and was really many and had a high temperature. Thankfully I made it through most of my work day before I got the call from nursery to go and collect him.

Most of the weekend was spent cuddling him and trying to make him comfortable, he really wasn’t happy. We managed a quick trip to Ikea again on Sunday. This time for breakfast and to pick up some other things we needed. I’m trying desperately to get the garage sorted out as that’s where the kitchen will be delivered to so we need lots of extra room to store it until it starts to get fitted a few days later.

Hubby took some lovely photos at breakfast and even took one of me. I’m going to share them so the boys have them in future.

Thomas managed an adult size breakfast! He’s frowning up far too quickly.

Felix just wanted to make a sandwich with his bacon and sausage which he enjoyed.

By Sunday night to was clear poor Roo really wasn’t well, I tried to let his fever run as long as possible and it peaked at 39.9 in the evening before it broke and started coming down. A fever is the bodies way of fighting and killing off the infection so I knew it was the best thing for him. I cuddled him through it and carried on breastfeeding when he wanted it. Although he’s now suffering the after effects with a snotty nose and a cough he’s certainly much better in himself and doesn’t have a temperature anymore thankfully! Hubby ordered pizza for tea as no one wanted to cook and with Roo being poorly we just thought it was the easiest thing to do. Pizza left over was going to be Mondays tea!



Dear Boys,

Week two of 2019 started with us going on the Snowman trail at Salford Quays, it had been on since before Christmas and last Sunday was the last day to see them. We had a great time going round to see all 12 of the guys. This past week they were auctioned off for charity and I really wanted to buy this guy no.4 so I put a bid on but it went too high so I didn’t get him. I hope he’s gone to a good home and I hope to see him again one day.snowman from the snowman trail

Tuesday is my day off work so I took Roo out for a bit of shopping, and to get out of the house. Sometimes all day on your own with a baby is hard work so at least if we are out I can walk around.

After all the marketing hype by Greggs we had to try the vegan sausage roll. I’m not vegetarian or vegan, I just don’t really like meat. I have to say I liked this. It was shared with Roo and he was equally as impressed, so it’s a thumbs up from us!

I stopped by Clarks show shop too to buy his first pair of shoes. He’s been walking for a while but I’ve held off buying shoes as long as possible as he didn’t need them. However now he’s wanting to walk outside and he can’t do that without shoes. I have to say we went to Clarks as the other two got their first shoes there and both times they made a fuss, doing a little commemorative photo for them in the store. This time they didn’t seem to do that anymore so I was quite disappointed. I did obviously take my own photo but it would have been nice to have one with a special frame even if it was an emailed one or something?

I also took him to get his first proper coat. With having three boys he obviously gets a lot of hand me downs but because he is a winter baby and the other two were in the summer months at age one I don’t have a suitable size coat for him so I bought him a lovely new one from TKMaxx.

Friday night came around very quickly once again. Friday in our house is movie and treat night. It’s usually bath straight from after school pick up then a treat tea with a movie. I love our little end of week celebration.

Thomas now goes to Beavers .This week they were making bird feeders to hang in the garden for a badge. I asked him which badge but he didn’t know? Hopefully I will get to find out!

And last but not least was my Friday treat! A bottle of plum and cinnamon gin which was a Christmas gift from my lovely mummy. I wasn’t sure what it would taste like. I like the flavour of both plum and cinnamon so surely I’d like this? It was yummy! Sadly there’s not much left after Friday and Saturday night drinks!!

That was our week in a nutshell. A very fast week with lots of memories made.