I need entrance matting! I needed to replace the laminate! When I get bitten by the DIY bug I can’t help myself. I’m always getting crazy new DIY ideas and the house will never be finished! This time it was a new entrance mat. With three boys and a husband and the constant in and out of the pram wheels we needed something more substantial than a tiny mat. The boys always whizz past the small mat on the way to take their shoes off on the stairs. So when I saw on Pinterest that you could fit a full mat I couldn’t help but put it on my list of things to do.

Materials Used:

1 piece of heavy-duty entrance mat carpet – I purchased mine from eBay it was 2m x 1.25m and cost £23.75

1 roll carpet tape – I got mine from B&Q and it was £6.23

1 strip of Floor threshold – again B & Q and it was £20.47

Then I used my own tools to cut the floor

Steps Taken

  1. Measure the area and get the right size of carpet to go in the space, of course you want to order a  little overage to allow for a lovely snug fit.
  2. Draw a line with a pencil on the existing floor
  3. Cut carefully along the floor
  4. Remove the floor pieces
  5. Remove any debris and dust or the tape won’t work
  6. Measure the carpet and cut to a rough size leaving overage
  7. Cut down and stick down the bottom level of the carpet threshold strip
  8. Press down as much tape as you think you’ll need. I did all the edges and zig zagged across the middle
  9. Remove the other side of the double sided tape to leave a sticky surface
  10. Carefully lay down the carpet and cut to size, put under the edges of the floorboard if you can
  11. Clip on the top of the carpet threshold strip
  12. Stand back and admire your work!

I tried to do a time-lapse of the whole project but the camera cut out for some of it so I have had to do a commentary on top of the footage I did get to show you the project.


I’ve posted a Sunday photo for a while and as it’s the first Sunday of the new year I thought I’d start as I mean to go on…lets hope I remember each week!

For week one of the year I couldn’t choose just one without putting a little context behind it.

My middle baby is like my shadow, he wants to be where I am, do what I’m doing and help me all the time. Sometimes I want to just get the job done quickly so struggle to let him help. But I need to stop myself from saying no and just say yes more often. He won’t be little that long and despite it slowing me down I need to let him be with me and help when he wants to.

This was my Christmas window this year (I had to reverse the image to make it readable):

So here he is and my Sunday photo helping me clean the Christmas windows away. I love this guy.


I know that Darren is no longer hosting the link up but I’d like to continue posting my weekly photo so I have something to look back on.

No trip to Walt Disney World for us is complete without a visit to the Disney Outlet Store also known as the Disney Character Warehouse. Theres two official Disney Character Warehouse outlet shops close to Walt Disney World. One is at the Orlando International Outlets, 4969 International Dr, Orlando, FL 32819. The other one which I prefer is at Orlando Vineland Outlets,  8200 Vineland Ave #1252, Orlando, FL 32821. 

I’ve never been disappointed with a trip to Disney’s Character Warehouse. I don’r normally go to the outlet just for that shop, we normally visit for a bunch of the shops there. On this trip however time was tight so I just nipped there in an Lyft to visit just that store to see what homeware they had for our house.

I’ve made a video of my Disney Character Warehouse haul, listing the sale price and how much it was origianlly on sale for at the parks.

I’ve made some other vlogs of our Walt Disney World trip including our travel day and our first full day and hotel room tour.


So I know it’s taken me forever but I never seem to get a moment to myself to sit down and edit the holiday videos. It was back in October 2018 that we went to our favourite place in the whole world, Walt Disney World.

For this trip we stayed at Walt Disney World Beach Club Resort on the club level at Stone Harbour Club. A tour of our room can be found here.

We absolutely loved it and at some point I will be adding videos of the lounge at the Stone Harbour Club. Although if you ask my 7 year old his favourite thing was the flavoured water which changed each day. He would prob now still give you a review of each one.

I’ve finally finished day 2 vlog and its up on my youtube channel. If you want to see Day 1 (travel day) click here.

So without further ado this is day 2!

In 2018 we were lucky enough to stay at Walt Disney World Beach Club – Stone Harbour Club Level Room for 2 whole amazing weeks. Now when I was doing my research for this vacation although I found lots of info about the Walt Disney World Beach Club hotel. I didn’t find that much about the Stone Harbour Club level rooms or lounge. So whilst we were there I tried to make sure I took lots of film and pictures to share once we were back.

If you want to see our travel day video click here.

I’m still working my way through the footage and trying to find time to edit it all. For the first one I’ve put together a room tour.

Stone Harbour Club – Brief Room Tour in Photographs

We stayed in a standard studio room up on the Stone Harbour Club level. The room number was 5708.


There were 5 of us, two adults, two children (7 and 4) and a baby (under 1). The Stone Harbour club level room entitled us access to the club lounge which serves refreshments throughout the day. As well as its own private concierge cast members who you can contact at anytime at their desk up until 10pm. Special shout out to Robin from the desk who made our trip magical, the boys miss her a lot!


The room we stayed in had two double bed (I’m not sure what size they were as US sizing is different) so I will refer to them as doubles as they defiantly fit two people. It also had a single sleeper size sofa. It was advertised for a room suitable for 5 people and I’d say that was fair. Before we went I thought we’d be cramped in the room but actually it was ok size wise.

The bathroom area had a twin sink vanity area. A large mirror and a small illuminated vanity mirror. The toilet area was separated by a lockable door and had a toilet, and small bath with shower over.



The entrance area contained a fridge and coffee pod machine. There was also a wardrobe with sliding door with two robes, an iron and board. The safe was inside the wardrobe and suitcase stands. Inside the wardrobe there was also spare pillows for the bed.

the plate showing room number 5708


The television area had some surface space as well as draws and cupboards.

There was a desk area with a smaller pull out table on wheels. We used the table as a dining table on the days where we ate in the room.

The balcony had a view over the hotel roof, you could see the main entrance area as well as the globe at Epcot.

Video Tour on YouTube

I’ve done a video with a commentary (please forgive my boring voice!) which probably illustrates the size of the room a little better than photographs do.

Still looking for Christmas gifts? Check out the choices I made for some of my friends and family!

This week I was gifted a few items by Paladone when they kindly asked if I wanted to receive something as a present for Christmas.

They sell so many wonderful items and there’s always something for everyone.

I picked out three things with certain people in mind which I will wrap and gift them this Christmas.

These are the three items ready for wrapping and sending to the North pole so that Father Christmas can bring them back with him. (Or that’s what we tell the boys!)

a picture showing three gifts, a star wars lamp, a enchanted rose lamp and a fun graffiti light to use with a smartphone

Star Wars Gifts

The first item is for a star wars lover! This Tie Fighter desk lamp is perfect for my Star Wars obsessed hubby! I hope he doesn’t read this…..I don’t think he will!

It’s USB powered so when sitting on a desk work area won’t take another plug, just plug it in to a USB outlet. Why am I always running short of plugs? If you are not then you could always use a USB plug adaptor instead if you’re putting it in an area with no computer.

The Smartphone Light Graffiti can is going to be given to my 7 year old. He had an iPad for his birthday this year so this is something he would love to play with.

For this gift you use a long exposure app to write words or draw pictures with the tiny can. The app captures what you are drawing and makes it look like a graffiti art without actually making any mess!

Disney Gift

The fabulous Disney Enchanted Rose Light from Beauty and the Beast  by Paladone is a very special choice for a friend of mine. She adores the film and this is going to be perfect for her. It’s USB powered meaning it’ll look amazing on her desk while she’s working away at the computer. I know she’s going to love it.

a beautiful rose stands in a glass dome with some petals falling off

Some of my other favourite items by Paladone are in the Harry Potter section. There are some beautiful gifts for fans of the books and films. Unfortunately in this house my boys haven’t caught on to Harry Potter yet despite my best efforts so those gifts would be a waste for now. I’ll save buying Harry Potter items for another year. Or maybe I should buy them for myself!

With grateful thanks to Paladone foe helping me to tick some people off my list!



Dear Roo,

Well little guy, now you are one. I’m not sure where the year has gone?

Happy Birthday!

It seems like only last week you were born. I love watching your birth back. It was so special. I’m sad I’ll never do it again. As you grow though and we say goodbye to the baby stages my love for you grows and grows. You made us complete, you made us a five.

picture of a baby in a pushchair looking happy

I made you a birthday video. It’s so you can see how you’ve grown. I loved looking back at the last year and all the fun we’ve had. I had so much to include but had to edit lots out. I hope that when you are older and watch it back you will see how much you are loved by everyone.

Always remember mummy and daddy love you always and forever xx

I can’t believe it’s a month since my last post. There was good reason for the gap and that’s because we’ve been away. We’ve just got back from our favourite place in the world…Walt Disney World!

The whole family with Goofy at Walt Disney world

My love of Walt Disney World started in 2004 on my first trip. Since then I’ve been lucky enough to go back 10 times, including our honeymoon.

We first started taking the boys when Thomas was just 16 months old (obviously he was our only boy back then as he’s the oldest). This was Thomas’ 4th trip to Walt Disney World. I try to make sure he realises how lucky he is to be able to visit such an amazing place.

If you haven’t been to WDW it’s hard to explain the hold it has on you once you’ve been to experience the magic. We are absolutely addicted.

This year we had booked two weeks at the Beach Club resort staying club level. We had never stayed at the Beach club before but knew we were in for a treat with the resort facilities. The Beach club has the best pool on Disney property (if you don’t count the water parks). Staying club level meant we had access to the club level lounge at certain time for snacks and drinks. This is something I will cover in a later vlog.

For now I have managed to edit and go live with our travel day vlog. I’m already onto editing all the other days. I took a lot of footage so it’s taking a while to go through it all! However I am loving the memories I’ve captured.

We travelled from Manchester Airport to Orlando International airport on a Thomas Cook flight in the Premium Cabin. Roo is too young for a seat so he travelled on my knee for the flight.

The flight was roughly 9 hours in duration and we arrived in Orlando late afternoon.

We are already missing the place like crazy! Roll on the next trip!

Give the gift of Floof It’s October so surely I’m allowed to talk about Christmas now?

Most people who know me well know that I adore the Christmas time. Every year I can’t wait to get started with the planning. I love buying gifts for people. I adore the day itself. Made even more magical now that I have my own children to make magic for.

So in the run up to Christmas time I will be sharing review posts of items I have agreed to test out. The reviews will always be my own work. I will not be paid for the posts. This is my blog so I can write what I like. All the items I review will either be bought by myself or sent to me (with prior agreement) and I will personally try them all and let everyone know what I think of them.

picture of floof box

Without further ado I’ll jump right into the first thing I’ve agreed to review…Floof! Yes I know it’s an odd name but to be fair it’s quite catchy. I can tell you are probably sat there now repeating it in your head..Floof..Floof….Floof!

picture of floof mr and mrs snowman set box

So what is Floof?

The official description is: Floof is a marshmallow-like molding material that has to be felt to be believed. This kinetic toy is as soft as a pillow, as light as a cloud, and as malleable as clay. Use it for fidgeting, building, or as a pure tactile treat. Since Floof never dries out, you can always keep some out and ready to play.

So to get hands on with some Floof I’ve been playing with the Builders set and the Mr and Mrs Snowman set.

picture of the inside contents of floof builder set, which has a play tray, a packet of floof and 4 tools to build with.


It’s recommended for ages 3 and up, but thankfully it’s non-toxic so no need to worry if you have younger ones around that get hold of it. Obviously with any substance I’d advise using it under adult supervision.It’s really hard to describe what floof feels like. It’s similar to a mixture of the kinetic sand stuff and the fake snow at Christmas.

Hand full of fluffy floof

I like it, it feels soft and squeezy.

squeezed ball of floof

One of the massive bonuses for me is that it doesn’t dry out. So you can leave it out or leave the lid off and it’s all still fine and ready to use again and again.

Inside the Mr and Mrs Snowman Floof kit you get a packet of Floof, a snowy scene background and some snowman accessories.

In the Floof builders kit you get a packet of Floof,a play tray (which I think is great for younger children over 3). As well as some tools to use with Floof.


Clean Up Carpet Test!

Now if you are a mum reading this you’re probably thinking that’s all well and good but does it get stuck in the carpet? I can report that I did a test and no it doesn’t! Hip hip hurrah! I even managed to vacuum it up very successfully when I’d finished the carpet test!

floof on the carpet all rubbed in

Now you see it (my best effort to actually rub it in too!)

plain carpet after floof is all vacuumed up

Now you don’t!

Would I recommend it? As an alternative to any other kind of moldable dough yes absolutely. The downside I’d say is that it only comes in one colour. However for the fact that it never dries out and it can be cleaned up very very easily (this part is the winner!) then it’s a hit with me! It also feels lovely too, I can imagine little ones who like to feel new textures will love Floof! There are various sets of Floof available at different price points which would make a great stocking filler and give little ones something to do.

Having three children keeping on top of skin care needs to be quick and easy. Nobody in our house wants to be spending ages with creams and rubbing, they want to be off to the next toy or game.

So with that in mind I’ve written a list of the top tips around skin care I’ve learnt over my years of being a parent.

5 Top Skin Care Tips

  1. Baths – Unless your child is covered in something sticky or icky then don’t bath them everyday. From the moment they are born the skin produces amazing natural oils to protect itself. Bathing excessively washes these off, leaving the skin prone to drying out. We usually bath the boys once every other day. Unless of course they look like they’ve been in a pile of mud!Three boys in a bath all soapy
  2. Soaps – Be aware of what you are using in the bath, most soaps are harsh on little ones skin and again cause the natural oils to wash away. Did you know that Epaderm junior can be used as a soap substitute? It’ll get little ones clean whilst keeping them moisturised.a child sits with glasses on all soapy
  3. Cloth nappies – Now I know not everyone likes the idea of them. With my eldest I used cloth nappies full time and I never ever had a problem with nappy rash. With the other two I’ve used cloth part time. I notice a massive difference in their nappy area skin when we are using cloth. It much less prone to rash or any redness. So if you do struggle with this then it’s worth considering the use of cloth nappies. Even if it’s just part time. Just one nappy a day would make a difference not only to their skin but to the environment too.baby in a cloth nappy
  4. Moisturise after bathing them – Just as we do it’s nice to have soft skin after washing so little ones are no different. Be aware what you are using though as some creams can be full of extra unwanted chemicals and highly perfumed. Epaderm is fragrance, colour and SLS free. The cream which comes in a pump top bottle is super easily absorbed into little ones skin so you won’t be spending ages rubbing it in. It’s also suitable of eczema, psoriasis and dry skin.two products of epaderm
  5. Stay Hydrated – This is especially important during the summer months. We’ve been lucky to have had an awesome summer in the UK this year. If there’s one thing though that’s going to give you glowing healthy skin from the inside out its water. I like to have reusable bottles all over the house and garden so that it’s easily available for the boys to drink. If your children don’t like plain water, try adding a small amount of sugar-free squash or make some fruit tea and let it cool. Studies have shown that water helps them learn better too, so make sure they take a bottle to school.


Thanks to Epaderm for sending us some samples, I do already use Epaderm products prior to being sent these items. I only ever write about things we would genuinely use and so I felt this fit perfectly. This post has been written as part of the Epaderm competition  #OneTwoFreeYourSkin