Dear Beautiful Boys

Dear boys,

There are now precious few days before the 2 of you become 3.

I need to tell you that I love you. I feel the need to hug you a little bit tighter. I need to hold on to you as you are. To pause time. To make sure you remember how it was before your brother arrives. How much you love each other now. How close you both are. How even though two are becoming three I’ll still have just the same amount of love for you and more than likely more.

My heart gets bigger everyday. Every time I hug you both. Every time I see you do something for the first time. Every time you make me proud. Every time you make me laugh. Your new brother will bring us more love. He’ll be the baby all of a sudden and I am well aware that in the moment he is born you two will suddenly seem very very old again.

dear boys

Flixster up until now you’ve been the baby. Despite you reminding me all the time that you’re not a baby because you don’t wear nappies anymore! You’ll always be my baby. All three of you are my babies and always will be. You seem so loving towards your brother already. Keep hugging the bump. You are always saying hello to him. Recently your favourite phrase is to say that when I’m busy you will help to sing to the baby. I hope you do. I hope the new baby doesn’t disrupt you too much. You make me proud everyday with the things you do and say. You’re so observant and remember so many things that I didn’t think you would from being little. I hope your brothers birth is as magical as yours.

When I look back I don’t know where the time has gone. 3 and a half already. School next year, I’m not ready to let go of you yet. Please don’t grow up too quickly my baby.

Big boy, my first-born, my original baby. I hope you find the transition to three ok. I almost hope in a gentle way you don’t really notice that there’s much different.

I will still be there for you. I’ll still read with you and help with your homework. I’ll still listen when ever you need me to lend an ear. I’ll still nod along even when I have no idea what you’re really talking about (as it was prob a dream or something that happened at school) I’ll still be there to kiss you goodnight (and every single one of your teddies that currently crowd your bed). You will be the oldest of three. I hope that doesn’t make you feel too responsible. Daddy and I will still always be here for you, you don’t have to do it all alone.

You’ll be first to do many things like go to high school, sit exams etc. But don’t let that worry you. As we always tell you as long as you always try your best it doesn’t matter what happens. Yes I’ll prob say you should lead by example but it’s because you are the eldest. I’ll need you help most of all with the baby. Of course you are still only little yourself, just 6 but I know you can help me. Help me get to know the baby. Help me to show him lots of love. You can help Flixster and show him how to be gentle around the baby. I want you to be the proud older brother.

dear boys

As we all look forward to a new chapter in our lives together never forget how much we both love you.

I love you more than all the stars in the sky.

Love Mummy xx

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