It’s been a massively busy time for us over the past month, at the start of the summer holidays my cousin from the states came to stay with us for a while so we were busy showing her the sights including the big smoke (London). While she was here we celebrated my eldest 5th birthday but on the same day received some tragic news which I don’t want to discuss in such a public place. Then a few days later we were lucky enough to fly off on a three week holiday to Walt Disney World. Upon our return school started within a day and since then it’s bee a whirlwind of homework, school uniforms and getting back to work.

I hate that the blog has a huge gap in it but time just hasn’t allowed me to sit down and put fingers to keys. I have however promised myself I will try to blog more and continue with recording the boys growing up so they have something to look back on when they grow up.

For now though it’s teatime and the boys are hungry, off to do tea, bed, bath etc etc!

Wagamama – New items on the menu!

We were delighted last weekend to be invited to try out some of the new menu items at Wagamama in the Trafford Centre. Wagamama at the Intu Trafford Centre is the largest Wagamama site in the company and even has a mezzanine floor. This particular branch opened back in October 2015.


We decided that after a busy day helping at the school summer fair we’d all built up a healthy appetite for some yummy tea.
My 4-year-old is a Wagamama pro, given the choice when we eat out he would hands down chose Wagamama every time. He’s been eating out at Wagamama since he was very young. We love it because it’s so family friendly. The staff are always very accommodating of children and the children’s menu at Wagamama gets my stamp of approval as lovely, tasty healthy foods for children. He loves that he gets his own special children’s chopsticks and he certainly know how to use them.

We were sent the invitation to try the new menu items which included Duck Donburi, Steak Bulgogi, Tamari Chicken, two new juices and a new side of shredded duck wraps.

Hubby is a real foodie and so he didn’t need asking twice to get stuck in. If you haven’t been to Wagamama before they will always tell you that no matter what you order, the food will be brought out as its ready, this keeps it hot and fresh. Wagamama at the Intu Trafford Centre has a wonderfully long open kitchen that really shows off the chefs skills.

wagamama wagamama
The smell wafting across the restaurant definitely sets the scene of the food to come. Being a large restaurant it was quick and easy to get seated. Each time I’ve been I’ve been seated straight away, as every parent knows hungry children don’t like waiting! So settled in our booth we quickly set about choosing the food.

The boy loves having his own children’s menu to choose from and Flixster just enjoyed the crayons and paper!

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We quickly decided to try the Duck Donburi , shredded duck wraps and repair juice from the new menu. The boys chose  mini chicken ramen as its his favourite and for Flixster we chose mini chicken cha han as I figured he’d like it. The food came out as it was ready smelling delicious and looking amazing. The children’s meals were still very hot (as you’d expect) so they spent quite a while tucking into the steamed chicken gyoza and shredded duck wraps I should have ordered more!




Hubby and I barely got any! What we did taste though was lovely.  We often order the steamed chicken gyoza in Wagamama and it was lovely as always. The shredded duck wrap is new on the menu, the boy lovely it but wasn’t sure about the sauce at first, I think he was expect ketchup so the fruitiness really surprised him. He did ask for more though so it was a hit!


It was hubby who ordered the duck donburi it came in a bowl with the fried egg on top. You are supposed to break the yolk of the egg then fold in kimchee and stir up the rice with the donburi duck for the full experience.I tried some and it was delicious. I just couldn’t stray away from my absolute favourite thing on the menu (I’m pretty sure it’s a favourite with lots of people) number 42 the yaki udon!


Once everybody dishes had arrived and the sides had been hoovered up we set about eating our own as well as sharing round. I love the children’s chopsticks in Wagamama, so easy even my 2 year old can use them!


All the food was as always delicious! We loved the new Repair juice with Apple, Kale and Pear. Even the boys tried to share it with us. I was hesitant as I knew it had kale in it but all I could taste was the Apple and Pear, a really lovely drink.


Luckily the children’s menu has milk on it which Flixster loves so he was easy to distract with that!


We were so full after the yummy food we couldn’t fit in a dessert which was a shame as they all sounded so nice on the menu. The boys even had to have half of their meals in a takeaway box to eat later in the day. I love that Wagamama offer to pack it up so readily and always have the best boxes and containers on hand to safely keep the food from getting everywhere.

Many thanks to Wagamama for inviting us to try the new menu items. We love how family friendly it is and how the food is consistently yummy, delicious and fresh! We’ll be back soon I’m sure, especially considering the boy keeps asking to return!

Justine Fletcher Anyone? He’s at Geronimo!
Now I know amongst us mummies (from my experience of having two little ones who love cbeebies)that there’s a divide between those that are fans of the spotty bag of Mr Tumble and those of us who are partial to the well tended veggies in Mr Bloom garden. I’m a gardening kind of mummy myself but I do see the appeal of the kind and caring Justin Fletcher. So if you’re a Mr Tumble fan then you’ll want to know that Justin Fletcher has been announced as a headline act for Geronimo festival this year. He’ll be appearing for one day only at each venue so be sure to pick the right day for visiting if you or your little one don’t want to miss seeing him on the main stage. At Harewood house he’ll be there on 1st May and at Tatton Park he’ll be appearing on 29th May.

I admire that he’s obviously a very talented man to be able to turn his hand to so many different skills, on CBeebies he appears on Something Special, Justins House and Gigglebiz. I know Justin’s House is a favourite in our home and the laughter it creates can be infectious so I am looking forward seeing him at Geronimo this year. I have read other posts from bloggers who have met Justin in the past and everyone is unanimous in saying that even in real life he is a really lovely person which to me is important. If my children are a fan of someone then I want them to be a fan of someone who is kind and caring both on screen and off.

Justin Fletcher Geronimo

I don’t talk about my day job on my blog as I like to try to keep my work and personal life separate. However today I felt like I needed to write a little bit about where I have been.

I work for the NHS, I always have, ever since I left school, doing various roles, working my way up and learning new skills all the time. For the last few years I’ve been comfortable in my job, just plodded along and done my best. I’ve had gaps to have my beautiful babies but now I feel much more ready to step up a notch within work. I’m engaged, I want to help, I like getting involved with things that are going on.

Today I attended the NHS Expo in Manchester, which is on for two days at Manchester Central. I have come away feeling amazed, enthused and so fired up to be the best I can be at work. I want to help lead change at work, the NHS as an organisation is always changing, always evolving, always going forward. I want to be a part of that. I’ve attended lots of different sessions today covering a broad range of subjects. I was able to listen to talks about ‘devomanc’ the devolution of Manchester health and social care. I listened to other people who had built change platforms, on purpose and by accident. I was so inspired to get involved with the #matexp programme. If you haven’t heard about #matexp just look it up on twitter, the people driving it forward are an inspiration and today I was lucky enough to share the room with them and listen to them talk.

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I went to a talk about the language of motivation within a team which was also fascinating, and I’d love to learn more to take back to the team that I work within. There are so many incredible people out there, driving forward with so many incredible plans and I want to be onboard!

It was standing room only at Jeremy Hunt’s speech and even then you’d have to stand 5 or so people back from the viewing window or screen, interesting to hear him talk about the future of the NHS and particularly the technology and access to your own patient records.


(My view of Jeremy Hunt from behind the viewing window!)

The expo itself has been so well organised, it’s a credit to the people behind the scenes who are making the experience seamless, there is almost too much choice! There are so many things I wanted to hear about but had to pick my priority areas. I’m looking forward to returning tomorrow to listen and join in with conversations going on throughout the NHS, after all it is the people’s NHS, lets drive it forward into the future together!

Well here it is, it’s finally here. School Eve, the evening before my tiny baby starts school.

How have we got to this?

Where has the last 4 years gone?

My beautiful little baby is going to school tomorrow and starting a new chapter in his life.

I’m not sure how I feel?

Excited that he’s growing up.

Nervous that he’ll be scared and will miss me.

Sad that our time together on weekdays is over and that I should have appreciated it more.

Angry that school are stealing him away from me.

Anxious that he’ll not get lost in a sea of other children. I know that teachers are very used to the receptions starting and that it’s all new so I’m sure he’ll be in good hands and the school is lovely, I’m so pleased he’s going there.

It’s a massive mixed bag of emotions, it only seems like a week ago I was watching other mums take their children to school on the first day and now all of a sudden its us. I can’t take him tomorrow or Thursday due to work commitments but I will be there to take him on Friday for his first full day. I won’t cry because I don’t want him to see me upset and it’s not what I do! But inside I’m sure the tears will be flowing.

I’m glad that after his first full day I’ll be able to spend the weekend with him before it all starts properly next week.

Good luck baby boy, as I’ve told you tonight, it doesn’t matter how much you get right or wrong at school as long as you always try your best that’s all we ask of you. I’m looking forward to watching you grow and learn but I’m also grieving for what has passed and that my little pre-schooler is now at school. Love you always xxxx


Another month has rolled around, how did it happen so quickly? We are already in mid March! We have passed another milestone though, Flixster is crawling! This is wonderful and scary all at the same time.

Wonderful because he’s not getting so frustrated at trying to get things that he can see but scary because theses so many small things around that the boy plays with like Lego that I need to be extra vigilant about. It’s easy to baby proof the house first time around but this time its hard to keep an eye on the boy and what he’s leaving around too.


Flixster is chasing the boy around everywhere (at his low-speed for now!) which is driving the boy a little mad as everything he has Flixster wants.


Most of the time I have to do the shiny object distraction technique to try to give Flixster some other focus rather than wanting what the boy currently has. The boy is being very patient with him but I have to remind him now and then about snatching!


I do love the love between them though although I wonder for how much longer I will keep having to repeat “Gently”. I seem to be a broken record with that as the boy’s hugs usually resemble a wrestlers neck hold!

I love bath time together and Flixster adores his big brother, I think this is my favourite siblings photo for the month. They aren’t hugging or looking directly at the camera, but it just shows them getting along and at the start of what I hope is a lifelong friendship together.



dear beautiful