So when I started my blog back in 2014, I feel like I read other peoples blogs much more.
These days I barely open my laptop. The way I see the world outside my own family and home is on my phone. My favourite thing to do in an evening is watch some youtube vlogs or have a look through a few of my favourite peoples instagram stories.
I will read a blog post if its something I’ve searched for, I find some of the instructional ones really fab. I will search for reviews of things I have thought about buying too, those posts are often really useful too. But I don’t tend to follow a blog adn check back for new posts to read. Maybe its just the way everyone is now, dipping in and out when they come across posts that they want to read or have searched for.
One of my most popular posts is about my last breastfeeding with my middle baby, if you want to read it, its this one.
I love the visualness of a vlog or instagram story or even a just a picture. While we are talking about them I’ll link mine here too incase you fancy a follow.
Youtube –
Instagram –
But I don’t want to lose my blog, its too old now and has too much of my boys growing up on it, so I will continue writing little and often. More than likely my posts will about our adventures and letters to the boys as they grow. Time passes so quickly.
Today and everyday I will slow down, soak in the moment and enjoy the minutes I have with the boys. I’m a very lucky mummy.