The Day that

The Day That – A beautiful gift picture for any special day

I wanted to write about something that I’ve bought thats very close to my heart. I have not been paid by the company to write this, nor do I have any connection to them at all except my love of their work.

I first discovered this company when they were exhibiting at a baby show that I attended a good 3 years ago now. I was so overwhelmed by their work that I kept their leaflet for ages in a draw.
Their idea is amazing, you can buy a sunrise picture from any date special to you in the last 8 years. Each morning for the last 8 years someone from their company (and I get the impression its not a large company by any means so thats a lot of hard work and dedication) has gone down to the coastline in West Cornwall and taken several sunrise photographs. Can you imagine that everyday no matter what time or weather conditions having to get up and out, and just take a moment to realise that in summer sunrise is very early. I am in awe of the people that in the middle of winter have to leave their cosy beds to make sure they get that perfect picture, as for someone, somewhere in the world that day will be their first on this earth.

The Day That

When I first saw the pictures of the sunrise the first day I became Mummy I had tears in my eyes. That day was so special to myself and my husband, our lives changed for the better in so many ways and what better way to remember it than with a picture of the sunrise that morning. Not only is it a beautiful shot but it means so much.

When our second son came along of course I couldn’t wait to see his sunrise too. My view of the sun that morning was from the birthing pool in our lounge looking out over our garden and as beautiful as that view and his birth was the sun rising over the calm sea in Cornwall makes for a better photograph to hang on the wall.

I have hung them both at the top of our stairs, so each new day and each evening and time in between I am reminded of the days that our lives changed, just a snapshot of a tiny moment in time that meant to much to us.
So now I have two beautiful sunrise pictures that mean so much to me, the two days I want to remember for eternity…..

Dawn on the day both my boys were born

the day that

The main thing I wanted to do with a blog ahead of all other things was to create an online diary for our children so that they can look back in years to come and remember all the little things. Time is so short and life passes us by so quickly that its hard to remember everything that happens. Making and creating memories is what I try to do all the time so I’d like to start a regular post as a letter to our boys, I hope to write one each week, so here goes the first one.

Dear Boys,

Since the day I became mummy I have wanted to write a journal of your life and achievements so that you can look back and realise how far you’ve come and how many achievements you have under your belt. I started a little book not long after you were born but didn’t get very far, life got in the way and all of a sudden time seemed to speed up. I barely got time to make dinner each day let alone try to write a diary for you. Especially in the evenings as I sat by your cot willing you to go to sleep, trying to write with a pen and paper in the dark would have been impossible. Thank goodness though for technology, I can now start your letters on the mac and pick up exactly where I left off on the phone or ipad. I can even write in the dark with the back lit keyboard, or phone screen.
Boy you are 3 now and your brother has just turned 5 months. It really does seem like yesterday that you were as small as he is now. I’m sat here on our bed typing away as you are playing cbeebies games on the iPad and daddy has taken the Flixster for a walk to get him to nap. I love listening to you joining in, counting along or shouting at the games. You’re a whizz with technology and have known how to use the iPad since you were very small. You have a good memory for numbers and have known our passcode locks for a long time. Your current favourite number is 2278, which was your race number in Ironkids this year, except you tell everyone it’s your phone number then we have to pretend to ring you at work. Talking of IronKids, I was so proud of you that day, raising money for Reubens Retreat with all your friends despite the awful weather!

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This week has been hectic again. On Monday we went to see Grandma (on my side) and had fun all day as we usually do, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday for you were spent in nursery as you usually do. We decided to continue with nursery once I went on maternity leave so that you had continuity and I am able to spend some time with Flixster. I still get to enjoy your company on Mondays and Fridays and of course weekends are spent with Daddy too. Your speech is really coming along now but you do come out with some cracking expressions and sayings. You really made me chuckle when we playing on the trampoline together today..

Boy – Can I sit on your tummy, theres no baby in there now…shall we have another baby
Me – Would you like to have another baby come and live with us?
Boy – Yes a boy, not a girl, I don’t like girls
Me – Ok what would we call him?
Boy – (After much thought..) …..Costco…..Bin…….Door……

Flixster what can I say, you make my heart burst with love every time I look at your beautiful face but you don’t half make me yawn! You’re not a keen fan of sleep, in bed for 7pm each night, back up by 8 crying, then up and down all night. I’m usually up with you 4 or 5 times a night, I’m one tired mummy. I keep telling myself its not forever and its only a short time but right now we could all do with a bit more shut eye! Poor daddy is still sleeping in the spare room so that he can get rest for work and we can share the bed safely. I love co-sleeping with you and have done since the day you were born but these get ups are hard work! I’d really appreciate it if you could cut the feeding down to maybe once or twice a night, it’d do us the world of good to get some more sleep…please?! You’re growing so fast though, 5 month already, soon be trying your first foods. Holding out to 6 months so that we can do baby-led weaning like we did with your brother. You’ve discovered your voice a lot more this week and have started making beautiful squeaky chatting noises. You still won’t nap in your cot so I carry you in the wrap for all your naps. We should work on that soon. I just can’t bare to let you cry though so it’ll be a gentle transition, once I work out where to start. Please bear with me I’m still a learner mummy!
Please always remember I love you both unconditionally….forever.
Love Mummy xx

I’ve sat here with the heading “My First Blog Post” staring back at me for some time now. I’ve made a cup of tea and sat down again. I then checked my emails and looked again, over to Facebook and back. All the things you do when you’re trying to avoid actually doing something. Its a good job when I was at school studying for my exams the internet was just getting popular at home, or I’d have never got anything actually done.

I’ve just googled “My first blog post” and there are a million articles out there telling you how to write the perfect post and results showing other peoples first posts. I could of course just use a standard template, but thats not me. Thats not at all personal. How will you ever know if you want to continue reading if I don’t use my own personality. Every blogger started somewhere so he is my beginning.
I may as well start by telling you a little about myself. I’m a married mum of two boys. (Well thats the weirdest sentence that I’ve ever written, inside I still feel like a teenager!) But the truth is that yes I’m married and have been since 2008 to my best friend. He is my rock in life and keeps me sane and grounded, yet he also encourages my hopes and dreams and walks beside me to help me achieve them. We have two beautiful boys the first nicknamed The Boy who is 3 and the youngest we call Flixster, he’s just 5 months at the moment. They are our world and we have both changed for the better since becoming parents. My nickname on the internet is Lyric, its a word I’ve always really liked (Is that weird? Do other people have words they are fond of?) I don’t really know where it came from but it’s been my word since I was in my teens, which explains why my blog is called “A Little Lyrical”. When I was trying to think of blog names I knew I wanted to incorporate the word ‘lyric’ somewhere so it seemed appropriate that the dictionary definition of lyrical is….

Lyrical (Adjective) – (of literature, art, or music) expressing the writer’s emotions in an imaginative and beautiful way.

I hope I can live up to the definition, do the people at the Oxford english dictionary police these words as well as define them?!
There are two reasons I wanted to start a blog. I read a lot of blogs myself and really enjoy the diary aspect of them. I would love my boys to look back in years to come and see all the wonderful things we get up to as a family, all the things that they will forget about or won’t remember. The daft funny little things that make us who we are as a family. The forgotten things they say and do can be preserved forever for them to enjoy. The other reason I’ve started a blog has come from a friend. I have a close friend who has a very successful blog ( and a chat one day over coffee has inspired me. Her blog drops into my inbox almost everyday and I love catching up with what she’s doing and most of all I love the diary element of her work. Recording memories for years to come.

I love crafting myself and over the years my paper scrapbooking has evolved into digital scrapbooking, each week I complete a Project Life style page ( so that we can remember what we’ve been up to week by week. Digital scrapbooking suits me as I am a tidy person, so although I enjoy making a paper page I hate the tidying up of the mess it leaves behind. Closing a laptop lid is much easier! Plus having children I lack the space anymore to have the luxury of a craft room in the house. I love that I can pick up where I left off with digital scrapbooking in a few seconds I’m set up and ready to go. So I guess I’m hoping a blog will work well alongside my scrapbooking and other memory making.
Whats my blog going to be about? I’ve thought long and hard about what I would like to write about, but I don’t think I can fit myself into any boxes, I don’t want to just limit myself to one subject. Life itself is colourful and varied and so my blog will be too. I guess given where I am currently in my journey through life I’d probably fit into the parenting blog category most of all but not all my posts will be about children!
I guess it’s time to conclude my first post and I think this is probably harder than starting it, do I just shout BYE and leave? I hope you’ve enjoyed reading about me and if my life sounds like something you’d like to read about then you’re very welcome to read my blog and hopefully you’ll find something thats interesting, relevant and inspiring to you. If it’s not you’re kinda thing then all I can say is thanks for reading this and hopefully you’ll find something more suitable elsewhere in the universe! Feel free to leave any comments on my page whenever you like, I’d love to get to know others out there.

Lyric x

Me and the boys