I know every man and his dog is talking about Covid-19 right now but nobody else can tell our story. I debated for a while if I would write about it but we’re living through history right now. If only for the childrens memory in future years to come I’ve decided to try and write a diary. I have started a vlog too but I won’t be uploading that until this strange time is over. I find vlogs way easier to do as I’m just talking but I wanted to write some words too.
Today is Tuesday 24th March, lots and lots have already happened. Yesterday Boris Johnson (the current Prime Minister) addressed the nation and effectively put the whole country on lockdown. Mainly because of all the idiots who are not listening to advice about staying indoors. We had a lovely sunny weekend last weekend and so many people were just out and about mingling together despite being told to social distance. Social distancing is staying at least 2m away from anyone who is not a member of your household.
Schools are closed to all those who are not key workers. Even though I work for the NHS we are lucky that Neil is home (working form home) so we are able to care for the children at home and keep them as safe as we can. I hope that all the teachers, assistants and nursery nurses are able to stay safe during this time.
All non essential shops have been ordered to close. Therefore now only food shops, pharmacies etc are allowed to be open.
My main worries (apart form the virus) is how we carry on teaching the children, whilst taking care of Roo and working. I’m stressed out daily by the sheer amount we have to get done. I’m trying to just think of one day at a time. So far we’ve got through two days of school and work and survived. We have been super lucky with the weather though as it’s been sunny. I do hope we have lots more sunny days as we can expand into the garden on those days and not feel so cooped up in the house.
I’ve set up a classroom in the playroom so they have space to work. I didn’t want to do it at the kitchen table as I’d be constantly cleaning it away and not able to set aside an area just for them to work.

We set up a spare laptop so they can do any online work set by school too, rather than using our laptops. My much loved MacBook is already on the edge of being ok, I’m dreading the day it finally gives up!
The boys school have been amazing so far at sending work daily over the class dojo app. It’s given me some direction in their learning and what they should be doing. Thomas is much harder work in getting him to sit down and do learning as he just doesn’t want to. But I’m trying very hard to not lose my patience with him and encourage him to do his work. I really don’t want him to suffer because of this.
I have ordered some swings and a climbing frame for them and last week I got a new trampoline. My hope is that it keeps them occupied and loving the outside. Hopefully they will come this week so we can build them at the weekend.
I’ve made a countdown chart with 14 weeks on it. I know nobody can say when this will end but I’m hopeful! So each weekday I can colour off a square and see how far we’ve come. I have to break it down as 14 weeks sounds like an awfully long time. Theres no way I can think of it as a whole like that or I’ll cry.
The biggest cause of my sadness is not being able to see my mum and dad. I’ve never spent so much time apart from my mum. I am massively grateful for technology and FaceTime her most days. We may only be 45 minutes apart in the car but we feel like a world away right now. I can’t wait to see my mum and dad again when this is over.
I’ve always been a positive person so I am looking for hope in this situation. I know in my head this will come to an end and life will return to normal again. I hope this makes people come together. My hope is that it helps people to realise that everyday normal is ok and that theres so much to be grateful for in life.
Over and out for now x