BlogOnX Goody Bag

This last Sunday I went to BlogOnX at Hotel Football in Manchester. I’ve been to BlogOn lots of times before, it’s always a fabulous event. A huge thank you has to go out to Laura Seaton the founder and all her fabulous team who pull off BlogOn every time which makes it appear seamless to the attendees. I know a huge amount of work goes on behind the scenes all year long to make it the amazing event it always is!

BlogOnX if you don’t know is a one day conference for bloggers. During the day there are a series of sessions to attend as well as a brand den to go and chat with various brands. The sessions are really really useful and I always learn lots and come away feeling enthused about my blog and being able to have fantastic new ideas.

BlogOn is known or its fabulous goody bags. Every time I’ve been I think that it won’t get better, every time I go back it does!

This time I’ve decided to film the boys and I opening the goody bag so that other people can see what was in it.

I love youtube and spend a long time watching other peoples video in the background during the day whilst I’m busy or when I’m exercising, or just having some down time. So opening ours on film seemed like a good idea!

So here it is, the link to our goody bag unpacking!


Hope you enjoy it if you want to see whats inside!


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