A couple of weeks ago I decided to vlog on my day off. I never linked it through on to the blog so thought I’d pop up a quick post with the link so that I know where it is for future and when the boys read through the blog.

It’s nothing particular exciting but to me its daily life which I want the boys to be able to see when they are grown up. My vlogs were never designed to be as good as many of the fantastic bloggers that I watch but I just want to document our days.

My first vlog!

Ok, so new year new start and all that!

I have long been addicted to watching youtube. I love it. My most recent love being the many speed cleaning videos. They are so motivational for me.

However youtube has taught me lots. I’ve learnt how to tile a bathroom. Change brake pads on the car.  How to mend a big hole in the art ceiling. It really is my go to media for everything.

So in 2018 I thought I’d try starting some regular vlogs. I love watching other people’s everyday life.

first vlog

I know I had to start some where. I’m sure most people hate the sound of their own voice and watching themselves on camera. I am no exception to that.

I have however made my first vlog……I’m cringing just thinking about it.

But I figure if I don’t start somewhere I really will never get started.

So here it is!

Drum roll……………my first terrible vlog. Entitled “My first terrible vlog!”

It’s very short as I kinda have my hands full at the moment with a new born and two others and I hereby promise to do better.

Please be kind…….ekkkk