I’ve seen so many little posts recently about the turn of the decade and summaries and I really wanted to just sit down and think about the last decade for me. I wasn’t sure where to share this as I love to write but I’m not sure that the people of facebook want to read it so I chose here instead.
This is my space on the internet so why not use it for my summary. Theres probably only a handful of people who want to read it anyway and three of those people (the boys) won’t want to read it until many years to come I imagine.
When 2009 turned to 2010 I don’t remember people mentioning that it was the end of the decade as much as people seem to be at the moment. It’s really made me think about the last 10 years.
This decade was when all my children came into the world. My little niece too was born. They were all born within the same 10 year group. They have all only ever known one decade. They are now all entering their second decade on earth in terms of the calendar. Thats something pretty special.
2010 – The start of the decade. This was the year I found out I was pregnant with our oldest. It was December and it was a wonderful end of year surprise for us. 2011 looked like it was going to be amazing. By the next Christmas I’d be off on maternity leave as a new mum. It was also the last time we’d go to Walt Disney World without our own children.

2011 – This was the year that made me a mummy. Not just someones mummy but a mummy to Thomas. I was his mum and he needed me. born in August he was my sole focus for so long. It wasn’t easier. I thought it would be easier than it was but I got through it. As 2011 turned to 2012 we were in bed trying to get a precious little snatched sleep, he didn’t sleep though the night then so it was hard still and I hadn’t learnt to co-sleep safely so I didn’t know anything different than the constant tiredness.

2012 – Things picked up, I learnt things about Thomas and he taught me lots. I went back to work. I learnt to juggle being a mum and working. He left me for nursery, he started growing up. It was also the year Thomas first went to Walt Disney World, he loved it, we loved it. Memories were made.

2013 – In the summer of this year we decided that another baby is something we’d love to have and were blessed very quickly with another little person for me to cook. A person who would join us the year after. We went to Walt Disney again with Thomas and he was ever more grown up this time having turned 2. More memories were made.

2014 – When one became two and Felix was born at home in our first house together. Right there in the living room one magical morning he joined us, and one child became two. We were a family of four. Second time round I found it easier, I loved being off with Felix (and Thomas).

2015 – I went back to work again. early this time because we needed the money and I was eager to get back. Back to being someone other than Mum. I loved being mum but needed to be known as Jane again and use my brain more. I missed my job and the people I worked with. So with two in nursery we somehow made it work. I have no idea how. the other big surprise of the year was a house move. We’d both realised we’d outgrown our first house. It was never in the plan to be a family of 4 in that house. We both wrote a wish list and worked hard to manifest what we wanted. It all worked out amazingly. If I wrote the story you wouldn’t believe it but we are grateful everyday for the way it worked out. We got our dream house and after months of delays we moved in during November. The final last big even of 2015 was Thomas starting school. I was worried about him, he’d only just turned 4 and was off on his own. Who would hug him if he felt lonely. Who would help him at lunchtime? He did it though, he went off on his own and did it. I was so proud of the little dude.

2016 – Then came his school move, having moved house we also moved his school. Sad in some ways because he had settled really well and loved his teacher but the journey each day would have put stress on us and with a good school just 30 seconds walk away it seemed like a no brainer for him to change. In a way only Thomas can he settled really well in his new school. This year also held a shadow as Neil was out of work for 6 months, a worrying and stressful time that got him down. But we got through it and became strong for it. We survived and he was appointed to a new role. Back in work by the end of 2016. This was also a year with a high point which was Felix’s first trip to Walt Disney World. We made memories there knowing that life was on the back up for us.

2017 – I’d been aching for a third baby and this was the year it happened. We were lucky again to be able to grow another little person. This time he was born in November at home into my arms. He completed us, he was our little Roo. His first Christmas happened when he was a little over 3 weeks old. It was a chaotic time but we made it through.

2018 – Big year for big changes. With three smalls to care for and me on maternity a wonderful job opportunity came up and I went for it. I was so lucky to get the job and just as happy to cut short my maternity leave to start the role in September 2018. I love the job and still do. I am lucky to work with a bunch of lovely people who’ve welcomed me into the NHS trust and I’ve settled so well. Also we were lucky to get another trip to Walt Disney World in. This was by far one of the best we’ve had and memories were once again made as a family fo 5.

2019 – Now I’m a super positive person and I’ve had so so so many things to be grateful for this year which I have said thanks for. On the other side though it has been tough. But we did it as a team we made it through. I’ve had to stay in hospital with various children on three different occasions for a few nights at a time. It’s was really hard when Roo was so poorly on a couple of occasions earlier this year. I always feel so so bad when I can’t get into work because the children are ill. I spent mothers day in hospital but was grateful for a visit from the other two during the day. We did it though. We made it and for that I am so grateful.

So theres my whistle stop tour of the last 10 years.
I couldn’t have done it without my rock of a husband walking beside me in everything we do. I am so grateful we walk this path together.
Which brings me to the next 10, our hopes, dreams, wishes. So many things I’d like to do, accomplish and explore.
By the end of the next decade my children will be 18, 15 and 12……wait what!?
Thats beyond my comprehension! They will all be in secondary school (well Thomas will have left and be on to his next chapter in life.
Also apparently the millennium was 20 years ago….whaaaaaaa!!!
To my beautiful children, I love you to the moon and back and I can’t wait to see what the next ten years of adventures brings us as a family!