This week I’ve chosen a picture that represents my lovely husband. He and I are coffee lovers, him so much more than me. When we moved in together I ‘thought’ I liked coffee but I was drinking instant everyday, 10 years later I’m not actually sure we have an instant in the house! He doesn’t drink or smoke so his guilty pleasure is coffee. He is lusting after a particular bean to cup machine where he can be his very own barista but as he is currently between jobs we are holding out for now. On that note if anyone is looking for a Solutions Architect (thats an IT thing!) let me know please! So in the meantime he is running his own experiments with coffee, this week was a cold brew filter coffee, which once brewed could be heated. I have to say I did try some and it did have a different taste to when you use hot water. I don’t really understand the intricacies of coffee and the art that is brewing it, it’s all about how well roasted the beans are and when they were roasted etc but I know my hubby is very interested in learning about it and I love him for his passion! It’s our 8 year wedding anniversary this week, I can’t believe how quickly time has flown by, but two children and a new house later I am a little older and a little happier each day and am very grateful for everything we have in life.





16 thoughts on “Experiments with Coffee – My Sunday Photo

  1. I’m not a coffee lover Jane but can understand other people’s passions for the bean.

    Good luck with your hubby finding a suitable job.

  2. I can almost smell the coffee. I love fresh coffee. #MySundayPhoto

  3. That looks impressive Jane 🙂

  4. This looks lovely. I really wish I liked coffee. Enjoy xx

  5. I love the smell of coffee and wish I loved the taste more.

    Thank you for linking up

    • I love both the smell and usually the taste although I’m not super keen on it being too strong (overly roasted) but my favourite is a flavourful latte (not too milky tasting) thanks for hosting, love it every week!

  6. Very interesting set up!
    We have a filter & espresso combi machine thing and it’s wonderful. Wasn’t expensive (about 120 euros) but it does the job and I love it!

    • Thanks for stopping by! My hubby is so particular, he’s been through a few machines, he’s currently wishing for a Sage Barista Express which he has watched many reviews on and spoken to lots of people about. I don’t really understand it but it’s about pressures and grind etc! In the meantime he’s loving experimenting with other devices!

  7. Wow that looks so amazing and complicated! #mysundayphoto

  8. That looks a really interesting way to make coffee! #MySundayPhoto

  9. I love coffee and I love trying different sorts. Nothing nicer than the smell of freshly made coffee.

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