Christmas Films

This time of year is my favourite time of year!

Christmas…I love it…I love everything about it.

The sights, the sounds, the smells, the traditions.

I love snuggling indoors with the heating on under a blanket to watch a Christmas film with the family.

I’ve made a list of my top 10 Christmas films so that the boys will always remember. If you haven’t seen any on the list them please do go find and watch them.

10. It’s a Wonderful Life – A classic from 1946, if you haven’t seen it you absolutely should!

9. Home Alone – The snow, the jokes, the slapstick, need I say more?

8. Love Actually – Make me feel all warm and fuzzy inside. Because Love actually…is all around!

7. Nativity – This was a film I only discovered in the last year or so. I don’t know why I’ve never really seen it before. It’s a trilogy of films but as usual the first one in probably the best one. Theres even a musical version now.

6. The Holiday – Another feel good film, plus it has snow. So whats not to love about it?

5. Polar Express – I remember going with my mum to the cinema to watch this one when it first came out. It’s grown on me since as I wasn’t super keen the first time. I do love it now though. I love the bell.

4. Arthur Christmas – I’ve lost count of the times I’ve seen this one. I probably know every line and every joke but I still love watching it. We usually have it on from November time onwards. A great film with a lovely story.

3. The Santa Claus – This film is just so clever. I love how they include lots of classic Christmas references. My favourite is on the ladder when Santa falls. One I love to watch every year a few times. Again it has sequels but I think the first one is the best one.

2. Elf – This was a close call for number 1. I love Elf so much but it has been pipped to the post for a very special reason. It’s not Christmas without the Elf film.

1.Muppets Christmas Carol – This film for me holds special memories. Growing up we always watched it last thing Christmas eve together with my mum and brother. To this day we also always watch it on Christmas Eve only. I adore the songs in it. They make me feel warm and fuzzy inside. To me this film IS CHRISTMAS and all it represents to our family.


Merry Christmas to all and to all a goodnight x

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