I’ve loved reading everyone else’s 2020 summaries and couldn’t miss doing one myself to look back on years to come and remember how far we’ve come. Soon this will all be history!

2020 has been a challenge to put it mildly for everyone. The saying goes that we’re all going through the same storm in very different boats. We have laughed and cried, hugged, fallen out and made up again. There has been cheerful voices and shouty times too. We’ve had some highs and some very sad lows. Most of all we have so much to be thankful for still. We are lucky to have a nice home to lockdown in, where we’ve got a garden to play in and food on the table. Warmth when we need it and space to chill out.

Thankful for jobs that meant we were still getting paid every month but so hard to be good employees while juggling home school and a 2 year old. Grateful that a lot of my job could be adapted to work at home but glad I was able to be in when needed. Sometimes I’d feel jealous of those on furlough and time to help their children but am thankful we survived.

Proud of all my NHS colleagues who stepped up and went above and beyond without a second thought for themselves. Proud to work for the NHS. Thankful for all key workers and anyone who kept the country going through the dark times.

Missed seeing my family so much, but know we need to keep them safe. Missed meeting up with friends but learnt to adapt to Zoom get togethers. Thankful for friends and neighbours being there to help when we needed it.

Most of all ,for me thanks to my 2020 teammate Neil who I’ve tag teamed with all year, those early morning work logons, the late nights and the weekend check ins were worth it to juggle the homeschooling. Some days the boys did nothing but run feral but we got there in the end. They made it through unscathed!

I managed to keep running (to keep me sane and have some me time) and have clocked up 468miles (next years target is 874 miles from Lands End to John O’Groats).

I’ve drank way to much red wine and gin but if we look on the bright side I’ve expanded my wine and gin tasting palate!I taught myself woodwork and built the covered pergola and outdoor kitchen. Gaining tools and skills along the way, next years plan is new bathrooms and many more DIY jobs. My first tattoo was cancelled during lockdown 2.0 (much to my mums delight) but I will get it done eventually! (Sorry mum!)

2021 will be better, it has to be, we have no choice, we have to keep moving forward. For all my friends and family who’ve lost someone this year, my heart is with you and I hope you find comfort in those still here with us. 2021 lets have you, adventure is out there!

As part of my weekly list post to focus myself, at this special time of year I’d like to do a mainly gratitude focused list, I have so much to be grateful for in life and it’s important to remember this everyday.

Gratitude – This Week

1) Boys – I count my blessing everyday that I have two wonderful healthy little boys. We truly are blessed to have been given the gift of the two of them. They brighten up our lives each day with their smiles and giggles. Of course they are hard work too but work every sleepless night.

2)Husband – He works so hard for us as a family in a job that at the moment is a challenge, he comes home and helps out around the house with housework and the boys. He puts up with me day in day out and I know I can be a challenge! He loves me unconditionally and is always there for me when I need him to be my rock.

3) Our Home – We have a roof over our heads, which is safe, warm, cosy and comfortable, which is far more than many people in the world have.

4) Food in our tummies  – We are thankfully in a position to be able to feed ourselves each day

5) Our Families – We have supportive family around us who help out if they are needed, we love them all dearly and are grateful to  be close to them.

6) The boy went to the toilet all by himself upstairs, did everything alone and also washed his hands.

7) Flixster pulled up all by himself in the cot to standing – the little monkey is growing so fast


Funny things the boy has said this week

1) “Mummy why did the chicken cross the level crossing? Because he got hit by a train and it was an ouchy and he died.”

(I wasn’t sure how to respond to that??)

2)”Mummy why did the chicken cross the waffle maker? Because he wanted to get squished and be a waffle…and die”

(Again there’s a theme here….)

3) Bolcano – “Mummy its not volcano with a V its Bolcano with a B” – He’s insisting that its Bolcano and there’s no telling him otherwise

So it’s a short post but it makes me realise again what I have in life and that I certainly have nothing to moan about.






Mums' Days