BlogOn Christmas 2017
I’ve been to quite a few BlogOn conferences (I think it’s 4 now?) but I still get nervous going. I don’t really feel like I fit in very well. I have no idea why, everyone has seemed very friendly! In my full time job I am confident in walking into a new room full of people I don’t know and just making networking. With blogging for me it’s very different, I still get very nervous. I love to join in with the link up though as I feel like I get to know something about other people going and that I’m not the only nervous one! So here goes…

1. Please share your favourite photo of you.
Ekk do I have to? I’m like most people I don’t like photos of me but I suppose this one is ok. I’m the one in the middle taking the photo, it just makes me laugh when I see this photo. I love the make-up artists style, she was so cool!
2. If you could choose a band to play in your garden for your birthday, who would you pick?
Easy – Take That, I have always been a TT fan but imagine them in the garden, now that would be awesome!
3. What do you take with you for long visits to the toilet?
I’m shy, I don’t use the toilet……
4. What word can’t you spell?
I actually can’t think of that, not because I’m perfect (far from it!) but because by the time I’ve typed things and looked back up the Mac has autocorrected for me!
5. What’s the most unusual job you’ve ever had?
Not had that many different jobs but I suppose driving a tractor on a farm when I was a teenager was pretty unusual?
6. Knitting, sewing or crotchet?
Sewing – I would love to crochet but I have tried several times and I’m pretty rubbish so I’ve given up 🙁
7. Without looking it up, what is a jerkinhead?
I have no idea, at a guess some kind of pickle or maybe a beer?
8. If you could have as much of one food as you wanted forever, what would it be?
Mango – I love mango
9. What is the scariest thing you’ve ever done?
Lived through a sickness bug as I have emetophobia (phobia of vomit and vomiting) so to me its the scariest!
10. If you needed a getaway driver, who would you choose?
My brother, he drives like a maniac but so far touch wood hasn’t hurt himself so I think he could get me away!
11. Would you rather live in Narnia or at Hogwarts?
Hogwarts, the people of Narnia seem to cry a lot and its very very cold!
12. What snack food says ‘Christmas’ to you?
Mince pies – is that technically a snack?
13. Is there life on Mars?
Yes I think so
14. Which Christmas movie would you be a character in, and who would play you?
Jovie in Elf, it’s my all time favourite Christmas film and I’d love to be her singing in the shower with Elf!
15. What are you proudest of?
My children, I’m so proud that I made them and so far have kept them mostly safe growing up!
I’m really looking forward to BlogOn Christmas as it’s my absolutely favourite time of year. I can never have too much Christmas. This time at blog on I’ll be the heavily pregnant one, looking tired and worn out! Can’t wait to see everyone there, please say hi to me it would make my day! I’ll make an effort to say hi to everyone else too without feeling nervous or awkward!