Well it’s been a while! I won’t apologise as its my blog and I know its been neglected but I’ve just not had the time. Bringing up 3 boys, running a house, trying to stay fit and working full time is hard. Theres just not been time to write. I miss it though. I love writing and maybe just maybe I’ll get more time next year!?
Anyway I felt like I wanted to do try and round up the year and write up a quick review. If anything just for the boys to look back on as I know they won’t remember everything we’ve done (and to be honest neither will I probably!).
We are in a privileged position in that we have had a wonderful year full of happy memories and I’m grateful everyday for everything we have in life and especially happiness. There has of course been stressful time but we end it happy and healthy (mostly apart from the cough doing the rounds).
The year started well and the boys went back to school and nursery. Mid way through January Felix caught covid again for the 2nd time so that was him isolating until he got a negative test. Thankfully it really didn’t affect him and he spent a few days at home playing and waiting for his negative test. I still had my Tuesdays off with Roo which was nice. He was (and still is) at a great age where he’s fun to be around but not too hard work (no nappies etc!). I managed a few runs and began walking everyday if I wasn’t running.
February was great, we had valentines day then at half term we escaped for a week to Whitby. We love it there, the fresh air, the walking, the fish and chips. We got lucky with the weather, it wasn’t too cold and we wrapped up when it rained. Most days even if it was a wander to the beach or arcade. It was a nice break to get away from work. I even got chance to take part in the new Whitby Park Run, the route was lovely and flat along an old railway line. I’m still a slow plodder but it doesn’t matter, I love it afterwards!
March started with shrove Tuesday where we enjoyed pancakes. I filled the house with daffodils when I could, which really are a sign that spring is in the air. We had a few barbecues and even managed a lunch outside on a Tuesday in the sunshine in Lytham with my mum.
April was Easter and one of the most important days, finding out which secondary and primaries the boys would be going too. Thomas got into his number 1 choice and we were very happy for him. It’s a well regarded school and one which is hard to get into to so we were relieved with the news. Roo got in at the school that Felix and Thomas were attending so that made things a little easier. Oh and I can’t not mention the highlight of the year for my mum………finally seeing the red pandas in real life at Blackpool Zoo. We’ve all been members for years but it was a standing joke that they hid from her (a bit like the kit-kat advert for those old enough to remember!).

May brought amazing news – my brother and his family were going to make a surprise visit in June for a few months so that my brother could work here. It was going to be a surprise for my parents, how was I going to pretend I didn’t know?! Plans were made and cogs set in motion. But apart from that it was a busy month! I ran the Blackpool 10k and the Manchester 10K, we had a trip to Blackpool pleasure beach using some tickets we won last year. We got ready for the Queens platinum jubilee – I couldn’t wait, I love a royal occasion!
June had to be the best of the year, it started with a lovely jubilee weekend. I love the pomp and pageantry of the royal occasion. I watched the events in London and the street came together for a street party. We all brought food and gathered together. The sun was shining bright and we all really enjoyed it. My brother and family arrived, they most definitely surprised mum and dad who had now idea they were coming. They brought news of a baby on the way too which was a double surprise for everyone (although they had already told me and I was delighted for them!). It was so good to see them and my niece after such a long time.

July brought change all round. Thomas left school for the last time and Roo waved goodbye to nursery. Our nursery days were behind us after almost 12 years of the same nursery. Thomas went on his last primary residential and loved it. He also got to do his transition days to high school. I knew he was nervous but I was so proud when he walked in. The tears were in my eyes but I didn’t show it. I waited nervously for him to finish and thankfully he said it went ok. July also brought me one of the best nights of the year, we went to see Elbow at Lytham Festival. It was amazing, I’ve seen Elbow a few times but it was indescribable, so memorable, just amazing. I danced all night, and it was only possible because my mum stepped in to babysit at the last minute.
August now it started stressfully but thats only because we were trying to work whilst juggling childcare. We couldn’t really send them to holiday clubs as they needed to be clear of covid for our holiday. We’d done it when schools were closed though, so we could do it again! We balanced everything, I’d work super early and into the night as well as getting through urgent things in the day. A sad goodbye to my brother and family and we’d done it. We did it, we made it to flight day!
We were going back to our second home, our happy place, Walt Disney World. After all this waiting and wishing and hoping we were back. There were tears of happiness and grateful prayers that we’d made it and had an amazing time. Far too much to describe here but suffice to say it was the best time we’d had yet!

September I was sad as the holiday was over and my heart hurt with a longing to be back. But I knew we had to move forward. It was the start of a new school year. New schools for Thomas and Roo. One more step along the way we go! Thomas did it, he got the bus to his new school and he took it one day at a time. Roo settled in quickly to reception year and thankfully for his fiery character he seemed to behave at school! Unfortunately September also saw the Queens passing, I watched the funeral day and it felt draining, so much sadness. But glad she got to spend a wonderful platinum jubilee earlier in the year.
There was laughs though, mum had bought tickets to Jason Manford so we went to watch his show, it was hilarious! I’d hands down go again any day! I also had the idea to build a little display stand for the kitchen for some seasonal bits and I’m pretty pleased with how it turned out for some old pallet wood!

October is another lovely month of the year, I love the change from summer to autumn, the amazing colours in the world. It was pretty ordinary for us, school was happening and work was being done. Felix did end up in hospital with his chest and low SATs following a cold but thank goodness again for the NHS being there when we needed them. As usual his care was fantastic and he was really well looked after on the ward. He was started on a twice daily steroid inhaler so we are hoping this will get him through the winter season with no more problems! It wasn’t all doom and gloom though, I did get to enjoy a spa day with my girlfriends which was followed by a night of a little too much bubbles! Whoops!

November brought bonfire night, remembrance Sunday and some wonderful autumnal days. We got out for some days out including Quarry Bank Mill amongst others. It was also my birthday and Roos too, he turned 5 and wanted a Jimmy Fallon cake! Nearly Christmas (my favourite time of year)!
December, its a wrap! We made it skidding and sliding to the end of the year! Nativity’s, carol services, shows, presents…it all happened! We had a fab time! I don’t know how we packed so much in. A trip to Delemere lights, the Halle orchestra childrens show, a trip to Bents. We had our meal on Christmas eve with family at our house, then we went to the church crib service. We had Christmas day at home with just us, it was great. I even managed a run. We’ve had a fab year, its been a blast, heres to hoping 2023 is just wonderful too! Thank you universe!